platform-as-a-service’ (PAAS)
platform-as-a-service’ (PAAS)
Claritae provides real time electronic proof of delivery, vehicle tracking, smart routing and total logistics delivery management. Our ‘platform-as-a-service’ (PAAS) is based on robust mission critical ready infrastructure with seamless plugin into the most commonly used ERP solutions.
Claritae’s secure PAAS provides hardware devices, enterprise level software, interactive communication gateways, and full stack support on a pay-per-use billing system. This helps to accelerate digitization of fleet operations at a significantly lower cost of entry. Organizations can also focus more on their core business and not on the management of new technology infrastructure.
platform-as-a-service’ (PAAS)
Organizations do not need to purchase and support mobile devices and new software. The entire end-to-end system is provided by Claritae on a pay-per-use basis.
Thus, rather than incur both significant capital and indeterminable ongoing support expenses, your organization can grow in the digitization journey without huge upfront costs. Furthermore, the cost outlay of the entire PAAS operation is a known quantity and helps the chief financial officer to have a clear picture of the real cost of operations.
Claritae provides real-time visibility over operations and accurate data capture. This has a massive impact on productivity and performance measurement.
Claritae is a fully integrated customer relationship management tool for total outbound logistics. It’s interactive communication engine supports multiple channels (Data, GPS, USSD and SMS), and provides redundancy against possible network failure.
The operation manager’s dashboard is a powerful management tool that ensures easy control over operations. Claritae’s sophisticated reporting tools also help in performance management and communication of critical operational data to other parts of the business.
Claritae PAAS is a scalable solution that can be deployed in a modular pattern. It can co-exist with existing paper-based or electronic proof-of-delivery systems. Our engineers provide full technical support for customers during the migration period.
This solution is performance based and your costs are dependent on the amount of business (deliveries) at each point in time. This eliminates idle investment in technology infrastructure.
We can help you activate your plan for deployment of enterprise scale electronic proof-of- delivery solution today! We can get you up and running within a very short time.
We follow a logical pattern in our engagement process: